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Artist Bio


Katherine, a Las Vegas native now based in Salt Lake City, is a dynamic multidisciplinary artist with a digital focus. Her work delves deep into themes of femininity, Eros, archetypes, and the reclamation of sensuality. Through her art, she invites you to embark on a journey into the realms of human emotion and empowerment.

Artist Statement


In my art, I explore the intricate tapestry of sensuality and femininity, emphasizing their complexity and duality. This journey delves into the interplay of contrasts – the gentle and the fierce, the vulnerable and the resilient. I draw inspiration from universal archetypes and personal narratives to challenge conventional notions and empower individuals to reclaim sensuality and femininity authentically. Through my work, I aim to create a space where the sensual and the strong coexist, inviting viewers to celebrate the elaborate dance between these opposites and embrace a more inclusive and genuine understanding of femininity.

Katherine Alt

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